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Blog Credibility and Ads

Posted on Jan 29th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    When the first iteration of this blog went live, there was no intention of doing anything but documenting resources and sharing information. For a short time, we ran some Google AdSense ads and then participated in the beta of the Yahoo Publisher Network for a while. We even had a few image ads.

    But ads just didn’t seem right so with the exception of very small sponsor text ads for the RSS feed, there is no advertising on this blog. I suppose one could argue the whole thing is an ad, but not in an explicit way.

    However, when you look at a lot of the popular search marketing blogs, the ads are obtrusive. Whether it’s Aaron’s SEOBook for sale, or right column graphic ads like on Marketing Pilgrim (has RSS ads too), Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land the ads seem to be a natural part of the design. Rand used to run ads but does not any longer and I don’t think Todd, the Lisa or Kim have ever run ads on their blogs.

    So my question to you is:

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