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Business Week Best of the Web

Posted on Aug 29th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    Business Week is taking votes for their annual Best of the Web, which is not to be confused with the most excellent web site directory and blog directory from There are 23 categories and two of them are related to blogs. The selection for “favorite blogs” includes an interesting mixture ranging from Scoble to Sand Hill Slave to Tech Crunch.

    At the time of this post, there are only 744 votes so far with Tech Crunch the clear leader, but I think the SEO/SEM readership out there could make quite an impact on that if they wanted to.

    If you would like more of a variety of blogs to vote for, then go ahead and fill in the write in form. I know I did. I put one in for Search Engine Roundtable and another for Matt Cutts. Good luck guys!