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Ready Player One: Top CMWorld Speakers Dish Go-To Classic Content Marketing Combos

Posted on Jun 13th, 2018
Written by TopRank Marketing
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  • Ready Player One: Top CMWorld Speakers Dish Go-To Classic Content Marketing Combos
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Over the years, content marketing has made incredible strides. What used to be considered more 8-Bit tactics such as print and articles, have evolved into more immersive tactics like interactive and video which truly brings audiences into the “game”.

    And while the days of 2D 8-bit side scroller content may be gone, that doesn’t mean we should abandon everything we’ve learned about content.

    To help uncover some of the tried and true content marketing tactics that have stood the test of time, we’ve tapped into the minds of some of Content Marketing World’s top speakers who shared expert advice in our new eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Content Marketing.

    But first, here are some fun fun 8-bit videos featuring your favorite content marketing experts and a preview into the type of game-winning advice you can find in our new guide.

    Content Marketing Strategy Experts

    Featuring: Robert Rose, Nichole Kelly, Tim Washer, Ellie Mirman, Peter Krmpotic and Tamsen Webster

    Content Marketing Planning

    Featuring: Amanda Todorovich, Courtney Cox, Eli Schwartz, Jay Acunzo, Carla Johnson, Heather Pemberton Levy, Zari Venhaus and Andy Crestodina

    Content Marketing Creation

    Featuring: Ann Handley, Melanie Deziel, Mitch Joel, Michelle Park Lazette, Pam Didner and Dave Charest

    Content Marketing Amplification & Distribution

    Featuring: Ian Cleary, Lee Odden, Vishal Khanna, Juntae DeLane, Doug Kessler, Joe Pulizzi, Justin Levy and Heidi Cohen

    Content Marketing Measurement

    Featuring: Christopher Penn, Mathew Sweezey, Michael Brenner, Michael Pratt, Ron Tite and Matt Heinz

    34 Classic Content Marketing Tactics from Top CMWorld Speakers

    Robert Rose
    Chief Troublemaker, The Content Advisory

    Classic Content Tip: As part of the creation process, we have to ask how every piece of content we create delivers value to our audience first, and us second. It is an approach that will never fail. @Robert_Rose #CMWorld Share on X


    Nichole Kelly
    Chief Consciousness Officer, The Conscious Marketing Institute

    Classic Content Tip: Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Acting with integrity is a competitive advantage.@nichole_kelly #CMWorld Share on X


    Tim Washer
    PowerPoint Comedian/Emcee, Ridiculous Media

    Classic Content Tip: Interview customers to get short, actionable advice that other organizations can learn from. This can be published via video, audio or a simple text Q+A. @timwasher #CMWorld Share on X


    Ellie Mirman
    CMO, Crayon

    Classic Content Tip: Time and time again, I turn to blogging: it's a simple way to house a variety of content even as it evolves to serve different media, channels, and strategies. @ellieeille #CMWorld Share on X


    Peter Krmpotic
    Group Product Manager, Adobe

    Classic Content Tip: Aim for quick iterations, leading to faster insights, and creating a self-tuning system. @peterkrmpotic #CMWorld Share on X


    Tamsen Webster
    Founder & CEO, Find the Red Thread

    Classic Content Tip: Find the truth that makes a problem impossible to ignore. @tamadear #CMWorld Share on X


    Amanda Todorovich
    Senior Director – Content & Creative Services, Cleveland Clinic

    Classic Content Tip: Great content answers questions and solves problems for your customers. When you do that – no matter what platform or format – it works and generates engagement every time. @amandatodo #CMWorld Share on X


    Courtney Cox
    Manager, Digital Marketing – Children’s Health

    Classic Content Tip: No matter how marketing changes, listening will always be the greatest asset of a content marketer. @courtewakefield #CMWorld Share on X


    Eli Schwartz
    Director of Organic Product, SurveyMonkey

    Classic Content Tip: Google’s non-English language ranking algorithm will always lag the advancements made in English search. @5le #CMWorld Share on X


    Jay Acunzo
    Founder, Unthinkable Media

    Classic Content Tip: Prioritize resonance over reach, and the latter (and everything else you seek as a marketer) gets far easier. To do so, look for a small number of people reacting in big ways to your work. @jayacunzo #CMWorld Share on X


    Carla Johnson
    President, Type A Communications

    Classic Content Tip: Put your customer first. Creating content that delivers value to them will always align your time, talent and resources with what delivers the best ROI. @carlajohnson #CMWorld Share on X


    Heather Pemberton Levy
    Vice President, Content Marketing – Gartner

    Classic Content Tip: Always look in your rearview mirror at the traffic driving to your content and further down the road at the next content asset in the buyer’s journey. @heatherpemberton #CMWorld Share on X


    Zari Venhaus
    Director Corporate Marketing Communications, Eaton

    Classic Content Tip: Nothing beats knowing your audience. Today, there are so many more ways to target – the how is evolving, but nothing will ever replace understanding what drives your customers. @zvenhaus #CMWorld Share on X


    Andy Crestodina
    Principal – Strategic Director, Orbit Media

    Classic Content Tip: Learn something useful... Try it... Test it... Then teach it. @crestodina #CMWorld Share on X


    Ann Handley
    Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs

    Classic Content Tip: Leaders are readers, as Harry S. Truman said. I’d add that leaders are writers, too. If you want to improve the quality of both your ideas and your thinking… you need to regularly write. @annhandley #CMWorld Share on X


    Melanie Deziel
    Branded Content Consultant, Mdeziel Media

    Classic Content Tip: When all else fails, ask what you can teach your audience. Educational content provides evergreen value and proves your expertise to customers and potential customers alike. @mdeziel #CMWorld Share on X


    Mitch Joel
    President, Mirum

    Classic Content Tip: Write stuff that matters. Write stuff that has depth. Nobody else is doing this (well) anymore. It's because they suck at writing (trust me ;). @mitchjoel #CMWorld Share on X


    Michelle Park Lazette
    Writer, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

    Classic Content Tip: My chicken test is a set of 3 questions I use to vet any content idea. Does the topic involve or interest our target audience? Is the idea timely? And does the idea have a so-what? @mp_lazette #CMWorld Share on X


    Pam Didner
    Author, Global Content Marketing

    Classic Content Tip: SEO! Invest time and resources into keyword research, analytics and scoping out your content. If you want your content to be seen, align your content marketing with your SEO goals. @pamdidner #CMWorld Share on X


    Dave Charest
    Director Content Marketing, Constant Contact

    Classic Content Tip: Stay focused on the fundamentals of human nature. Even as technology changes, the fundamentals that make us people do not. Understand how those fundamentals apply to a new environment. @davecharest #CMWorld Share on X


    Ian Cleary
    Founder, RazorSocial

    Classic Content Tip: Relationship building. When you build up a network of influential friends it's like having many pac mans in one game and they are all on your side. @IanCleary #CMWorld Share on X


    Lee Odden
    CEO, TopRank Marketing

    Classic Content Tip: Nothing gobbles up Pac-Dots like content co-created with highly credible experts. Influencers w/ active networks of relevant audiences can demystify marketing mazes and open up infinite opportunity! @leeodden #CMWorld Share on X


    Vishal Khanna
    Director of Marketing & Communications, HealthPrize Technologies

    Classic Content Tip: Read employment listings for the types of prospects you target to find out how their success is measured, and then develop content that helps them succeed. @bediscontent #CMWorld Share on X


    Juntae DeLane
    Sr. Digital Brand Manager, University of Southern California

    Classic Content Tip: You need to be able to go where your audience is and speak to them in a language they can understand. Identify how and where they engage with content, & incorporate that info into your strategy. @juntaedelane… Share on X


    Doug Kessler
    Co-Founder & Creative Director, Velocity Partners

    Classic Content Tip: It’s really hard to fail at simply interviewing really smart people who know about the topic. Do your homework, ask good questions and stand back. @dougkessler #CMWorld Share on X


    Joe Pulizzi
    Founder, Content Marketing Institute

    Classic Content Tip: Email, email, email. Getting and keeping opt-in email subscribers continues to be the key to content marketing success. @joepulizzi #CMWorld Share on X


    Justin Levy
    Public Speaker

    Classic Content Tip: The one tried and true tactic that I will always go back to even as marketing evolves is the need for a blog. @justinlevy #CMWorld Share on X


    Heidi Cohen
    Chief Content Officer, Actionable Marketing Guide

    Classic Content Tip: Like other forms of marketing, content marketing requires a documented strategy that ties your business goals to measurable results. @HeidiCohen #CMWorld Share on X


    Christopher Penn
    Founder & Chief Innovator, Brain+Trust Insights

    Classic Content Tip: Essential for any form of content is audience centricity. Do it in a way that provides value, educates, entertains and engages your audience. @cspenn #CMWorld Share on X


    Mathew Sweezey
    Principal of Marketing Insights, Salesforce

    Classic Content Tip: Ask! Ask what they want, don't assume. Once you make it Ask if they liked it, and how to make it better. @msweezey #CMWorld Share on X


    Michael Brenner
    Founder, Marketing Insider Group

    Classic Content Tip: Create content using the keywords buyers use, the content they read and share and the offers that convert. @brennermichael #CMWorld Share on X


    Michael Pratt
    CEO, Panamplify

    Classic Content Tip: Try and discover what solutions to problems your clients are searching for and write content that becomes that solution. @mikepratt #CMWorld Share on X


    Ron Tite
    Founder & CEO, Church+State

    Classic Content Tip: Massive wins come from doing something that has never been used before. @rontite #CMWorld Share on X


    Matt Heinz
    President, Heinz Marketing

    Classic Content Tip: Finish content with a question. Actively engage your audience. @heinzmarketing #CMWorld Share on X

    Want More Game-Winning Content Marketing Advice?

    For more from our Content Marketing World speakers, check out the full guide below: