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[Infographic] The In-Flight Guide to Content Marketing

Posted on Jul 31st, 2017
Written by TopRank Marketing
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Marketers who plan appropriately significantly increase their likelihood of success. Seems like a novel concept right?

    You’d think so, but unfortunately the day-to-day grind can cause many marketers to lose sight of what’s important and essential for content marketing success. In today’s competitive landscape, everything from your strategy to the actual content experience and the way that you amplify content that is created (or co-created) are key factors in the success of your content program.

    To help you take your content to new heights, we have topped into some of the top B2B and B2C marketing minds that will be speaking at this year’s Content Marketing World conference in September. Over the past months we have published a series of eBooks that take a deep dive into the content skills and tactics necessary to meet the needs of the modern customer.

    We have also pulled some of the top insights from each of these eBooks into the infographic below for you to keep on hand as a guide for content marketing success. Let this handy in-flight content guide serve as a visual reminder of just what it takes to succeed in content marketing today.

    Part 1: Prepping for Your Content Marketing Expedition

    Figure out what makes you, your team, and your customers unique. @jayacunzo Share on X You have a story YOU want to tell, but does your audience care to hear it? @buyerpersona Share on X Adapt and be fluid with your content scheduling. @amandatodo Share on X

    Don’t be so wedded to a content schedule that you miss opportunities in your industry. @markwschaefer Share on X

    People are hesitant to contribute content because they don’t know what to write about. @timwasher Share on X

    Part 2: Creating a Memorable Content Experience

    Build content based on what they want rather than what you think they want! @IanCleary Share on X Make the audience the hero of the story you’re telling. @ardath421 Share on X A great content experience starts with a story! @BrennerMichael Share on X Be Useful. Address the why, the what’s in it for me? for your reader. @JillianHillard Share on X Develop next-level, pathological empathy for your audience. @MarketingProfs Share on X

    Part 3: Making the Most of Your Content Journey

    Paid social can help marketers greatly improve their reach and engagement. @justinlevy Share on X For great distribution, co-creation with influencers is the solution. @leeodden Share on X Content that is engaging and optimizes the user’s experience is key. Zerlina Jackson Share on X Work with top experts to co-create content to increase amplification & engagement. @AmishaGandhi Share on X Better work inherently drives deeper engagement. @Robert_Rose Share on X

    Hungry for More Content Marketing Insights?

    Below are some additional snackable statistics pulled from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs’ 2017 B2B and B2C Content Marketing reports:

    Snackable B2B Stats

    • 28% of B2B companies are in the sophisticated/mature phase of content marketing
    • 55% B2B of companies have small content marketing teams serving the entire organization
    • 42% B2B of companies have experienced management changes that have had a positive impact on the organization’s content marketing
    • 89% of B2B Marketers use content marketing
    • 55% of B2B companies have a small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing team that serves the entire organization
    • 63% of B2B companies are extremely or very committed to content marketing
    • 62% of B2B companies are much more or somewhat more successful with content marketing than they were one year ago
    • 30% of B2B Marketers say it is not clear what an effective or successful content marketing program looks like

    Snackable B2B Stats

    • 30% of B2C companies are in the sophisticated/mature phase of content marketing maturity
    • 49% of B2C companies have a small content marketing team serving the entire organization
    • 86% of B2C Marketers are using content marketing
    • 49% of B2C companies have a small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing team that serves the entire organization
    • 60% of B2C companies are extremely or very committed to content marketing
    • 25% of B2C companies are extremely or very successful with their overall approach to content marketing
    • 33% of B2C companies are not clear on what effective or successful content marketing programs look like

    To gain access to insights from all 41 Content Marketing World speakers, be sure to download the full series!