25 Social Media Marketing Experts Recommended by LinkedIn
In the recently published eBook, The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to Linkedin, eight digital marketing smarties were tapped for insights and practical advice on how to get the most out of LinkedIn from optimizing your profile to expanding your network.
My team at TopRank did some great work with this eBook, identifying, engaging and interviewing subject matter experts. I think it turned out well. It’s a timely topic for sure.
If you’re anywhere near the B2B marketing world, social selling or recruiting, getting to know LinkedIn is essential. Heck, mastering LinkedIn is essential.
Why? Check out these stats:
- With over 259 million members in over 200 countries and territories, 1 out of every 3 professionals on the planet Earth is on LinkedIn.
- Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second.
- LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013 Fortune 500 companies as members
- More than 3 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages and there are 2.1 million LinkedIn Groups
- There were 184 million unique visitors to LinkedIn web properties in Q3 of 2013
There simply isn’t another social network with that kind of community and momentum for business professionals – buyers of business goods and services. With the proclamation of being “all in” on content marketing, LinkedIn serves as an opportunity for social media and content marketers alike. Of course where there’s content, there’s an opportunity to optimize as well.
While most professionals are already on LinkedIn and see it as a jobs marketplace, many simply haven’t taken the time to optimize or maintain their profiles. They also haven’t discovered all the ways you can capitalize on LinkedIn as a marketing and social selling tool. The good news is that quite a few people have.
In the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, there are 50 pages of advice directly from marketers within LinkedIn as well as some of the top B2B marketing pros in the business. There is also a list of 25 social media experts in the U.S. that LinkedIn suggests we get to know, selected by staff at LinkedIn. Many of the names on the list will be familiar to you and some will not. Regardless, this is the list that LinkedIn, the top business networking website in the world, published as recommended social media marketing experts.
Congratulations to those on the list and congratulations to anyone who downloads AND reads the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to Linkedin.
Jay Baer – Speaker, Author, Consultant
Twitter: @jaybaer
LinkedIn: in/jasonbaer
Michael Brenner – Senior Director, Global Marketing at SAP, President and Co-Founder of Business2Community
Twitter: @BrennerMichael
LinkedIn: in/michaelbrenner
Michael Brito – Group Director Media and Engagement at WCG, a W2O Company
Twitter: @Britopian
LinkedIn: in/michaelbrito
Jeff Bullas – Consultant, Speaker, Blogger
Twitter: @jeffbullas
LinkedIn: in/jeffbullas
Brian Carter – Founder of The Carter Group, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @briancarter
LinkedIn: in/briancarterms
Brian Clark – Founder and CEO of Copyblogger
Twitter: @brianclark
LinkedIn: in/brian-clark/8/606/b5a
Heidi Cohen – Columnist, Consultant
Twitter: @heidicohen
Linkedin: in/heidicohen
Steven Farnsworth – Chief Digital Strategist at Jolt, Digital Marketing, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @steveology
Linkedin: in/stevefarnsworth
Barry Feldman – Owner at Feldman Creative, Speaker
Twitter: @FeldmanCreative
Linkedin: in/feldmancreative
Ann Handley – Head of Content at MarketingProfs, Author
Twitter: @annhandley
LinkedIn: in/annhandley
Matt Heinz – President at Heinz Marketing Inc
Twitter: @HeinzMarketing
Linkedin: in/mattheinz
Doug Karr – Chief Marketing Officer at CircuPress, Author
Twitter: @douglaskarr
Linkedin: in/douglaskarr
Jason Keath – CEO of Social Fresh
Twitter: @jasonkeath
LinkedIn: in/jasonkeath
Nichole Kelly – CEO at Social Media Explorer, SME Digital Author, Speaker
Twitter: @Nichole_Kelly
Linkedin: in/nicholekelly
Dave Kerpen – CEO Likeable Local, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @DaveKerpen
Linkedin: in/davekerpen
Jason Miller – Sr. Manager, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
Twitter: @JasonMillerCA
Linkedin: in/jsnmiller
Lee Odden – CEO at TopRank Online Marketing, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @leeodden
Linkedin: in/leeodden
Joe Pulizzi – Founder at Content Marketing Institute, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @JoePulizzi
Linkedin: in/joepulizzi
Stephanie Sammons – Founder of Wired Advisor™, Speaker
Twitter: @StephSammons
Linkedin: in/stephaniesammons
David Meerman Scott – Marketing Strategist, Speaker, Author
Twitter: @dmscott
LinkedIn: in/davidmeermanscott
Neal Schaffer – President at Windmills Marketing, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @NealSchaffer
Linkedin: in/nealschaffer
Koka Sexton – Global Sr. Marketing Manager at LinkedIn
Twitter: @kokasexton
Linkedin: in/kokasexton
Mike Stelzner – Founder of Social Media Examiner, Author
Twitter: @Mike_Stelzner
LinkedIn: in/stelzner
Viveka Von Rosen – LinkedIn Expert, Author
Twitter: @LinkedInExpert
LinkedIn: in/linkedinexpert
Todd Wheatland – VP of Marketing at Kelly Services, Author, Speaker
Twitter: @ToddWheatland
Linkedin: in/wheatland
No list is perfect or comprehensive, so who would you add to this list?
If you’d like to dig in to the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, by all means, get your copy here: