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#MIMASummit: 6 Tips for Developing a Best Practices Approach to Social Media Measurement

Posted on Oct 13th, 2011
Written by TopRank Marketing
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  • #MIMASummit: 6 Tips for Developing a Best Practices Approach to Social Media Measurement
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Chuck Hemann MIMA Summit 2011All marketers wish they knew how to better measure results, engage their audience, and measure ROI. Chuck Hemann opens up by warning that he won’t solve all of our problems but he will provide guidance on how to approach them.

    Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

    There are 5 key steps that each marketer must take to create a successful social media campaign.  What does this include?

    • Listening to what is being said online
    • Assessing the marketplace
    • Engaging with current and prospective clients
    • Measuring is a way for us to optimize
    • Improving our strategy as we learn more

    According to Hemann listening and measurement are the two most important ingredients for success.  You cannot successfully execute on one without the other.  Below are a few of the best practice approaches that Hemann shared with the audience at today’s session.

    Understand What Simply Listening Can & Cannot Do

    • Optimize your content in real time
    • Create a better customer experience
    • Quickly learn about potential product issues
    • Marketing through conversation
    • Gain valuable business intelligence

    Create A Solid Social Media Strategy

    • Planning and beginning and ending stages is essential
    • Internal resources for facilitating and executing is critical
    • You can’t listen to everything so fine tune your process
    • Don’t rely on just one tool for quantifying results

    Tools & Reporting: Questions Every Company Should Ask Themselves

    • Has your internal team decided on the tools you want to use?
    • Is there a training and implementation schedule in place?
    • Has a process for reporting been scheduled?
    • Do you know what your competition is doing?

    Myths & Misconceptions To Avoid

    • Social media cannot be measured: You collect dozens of data points each day that assist in measuring your social media efforts.
    • ROI stands for something other than return on investment: ROI does not refer to influence or engagement it is directly related to gaining or saving the company money.
    • Social media measurement is different than traditional media measurement: Social media is measured by utilizing a series of strategies and tactics just as you would with any other effort.
    • Social media is meant to be organic and we already have too much data: You can never have too much data!


    Never Forget the Five W’s

    • What people are saying about your brand.
    • Where they are talking about your brand.
    • When people are talking about your brand.
    • Who is talking about your brand.
    • Why people are talking about your brand.

    Common Measurement Questions You Should Always Keep In Mind

    • How many people did we reach?
    • Did the program create conversation?
    • How do I get ad equivalency so the brand can compare this to our advertising?
    • Were our fans/followers engaged?


    What Is Our Take Away From This Afternoon’s Session?

    • No subject is unapproachable
    • This is a step-by-step process
    • Gaining access to quality data provides a huge competitive advantage


    There are many ways to effectively track social media metrics for B2B sales.  What tools have you found to be effective for social media measurement?

    Stay tuned for more posts from MIMA Summit 2011.  Follow the hashtag #MIMASummit on Twitter and watch for any posts on @toprank or @azeckman to see updates and photos from the conference.