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On the way to San Jose

Posted on Aug 6th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Tomorrow a.m. I get on a plane and head on over to the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose.  This one promises to be a really great show.

    My Monday is packed with meetings and the release of several emargoed announcements that are sure to make a splash. I’ll be covering sessions and having press meetings during the day Monday through Wednesday and covering some of the after-conference activities by night. Joe Morin has been managing a handy official party schedule if you want more info on that.¬† It can’t be all work and no play, can it?¬† If you’re smart though, the best work is done after the conference sessions.
    Be sure to check out the conference coverage both here at Online Marketing Blog and especially over at Search Engine Roundtable. Here’s the Quadruple Coverage schedule of sessions being covered by Barry, Ben, Chris and myself.