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Reader Poll: Best City for Conferences

Posted on Jun 21st, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
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    reader poll

    Since attending, blogging and speaking at industry conferences is a big part of my own search marketing agency’s marketing, I get to attend a good number of events in a variety of cities. One of the nice things about having events in the same city is that you get to know the city better each time. For example, you can never go to New York City too many times (as far as I’m concerned).

    The venue for a conference certainly matters but so does the city and that leads me to this week’s reader poll about favorite cities for conferences. The list of cities is based on places I’ve been to personally for conferences as well as a few locations that have held search conferences, but I did not attend.

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    If you have favorite cities outside of the U.S. for conferences, it would be interesting to hear about those as well. I know SES has had events in Toronto, London, Bejing, Stockholm and likely several others.