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Reader Poll: Top Digital Marketing Tactics for 2009

Posted on Feb 18th, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    digital marketing tactics 2009

    We’ve run several Reader Polls on favored internet marketing tactics over the past year and a half flavored by a sentiment towards recession and also as a general indication of future plans. The state of the world and certainly the marketing world is as unique and challenging as it’s ever been. Many companies and vendors are scrambling to figure out how to make most efficient/effective use of resources to grow their businesses in this uncertain economy.

    Traditional marketing budgets are increasingly shifting to digital marketing and why not? Internet marketing is often more cost effective, builds awareness quickly, fosters relationships and is measurable in ways traditional advertising just can’t match. Within the world of digital, there are many, many options and considerations. Situations, circumstances and objectives vary, but the commonality of digital delivery, interaction and measurement brings this poll together. We’d love your participation and insight:

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    Please share your insights in the comments and if we’ve left out significant digital marketing tactics, we’d welcome suggestions.

    The most responses we’ve had to a poll was approximately 400, so please share, tweet, submit and vote as is deserved. We’ll share the results of the poll in a post next week.