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BIGLIST SEO Blog Reviews 030909

Posted on Mar 9th, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    We’ve been reviewing the TopRank BIGLIST of  search marketing blogs  for over 2 years, starting in January 2007. In that time we’ve reviewed nearly 1,000 blogs covering internet marketing and search marketing related topics.

    Blog features we like include: Design, On-topic to SEO, Social Media and Internet Marketing, an About page (for the blog specifically), Categories and Frequency (at least once per week). The only way to get added to the BIGLIST is for us to notice your blog linking to us or being mentioned on another blog that we follow. Direct requests are not accepted.  Please enjoy this week’s new additions, runner up and reinclusion to the BIGLIST.

    • Daily SEO Tip – Search Marketing blog guru Loren Baker and SEO smartie, Ann Smarty have partnered to deliver practical, usefuland often creative SEO tips that are good for new pracitioners as well as experienced online marketers.
    • Marketingsherpa Blog – The famous Marketing Sherpa site publishes this well written & cross referenced blog on a range of internet marketing topics from email to search engine optimization by reporters Natalie Myers, Sean Donahue and Adam T. Sutton.
    • Social Media Rockstar – With a background in SEO and Sociology, Brett Borders aka “Brett from Tibet” is a kindred spirit that also blogs with interesting articles, interviews and tips with a strong social media flavor.
    • SEOAly – Alysson Fergison writes this small business SEO blog that doubles as a web site for her consulting business with posts about on and off page SEO, social media, WordPress, a few rants and something called “Scam Watch”.
    • North South Media Blog  –  This Scotland based agency blog offers tips, news, interviews and an interesting “Top SEO Companies” feature each month that ranks regional, national and international SEO agencies by keyword rankings.
    • IMBroadcast Blog – David Snyder and friends at Traffic Blends publish this blog that supports the Internet Marketing Video community with a few tips about online video mixed and most posts about IM Spring Break.

    Runner Up:
    (There are some blogs that possess several of the qualities we look for, but are lacking such as post frequency or design issues that warrants a mention, but not actual inclusion in the BIGLIST of SEO blogs)

    • Canadian SEO Blog – Alberta based Melanie Nathan publishes a brand new and very well designed blog that offers the promise of posts on link building, interviews and miscellaneous. We’re hoping she can tap into her vast link building knowledge and post more often so the blog can get included in the BIGLIST at a future date.

    (One of the reasons blogs get removed from BIGLIST of SEO blogs is lack of posting activity. If the blog owner restarts posting and contacts us, we may re-add them)

    • JenSense – If you need to know about Google AdSense and affiliate marketing, then this is the blog to read. Welcome back Jennifer Slegg!

    Remember, blogs included in the BIGLIST deserve a shiny new badge.