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Top Content Marketing Blogs from Junta42

Posted on Nov 17th, 2008
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    content marketing blogs
    Over at Junta42 Joe Pulizzi has announced the quarterly update of his Junta42 list of content marketing blogs. I’m happy to say Online Marketing Blog was again included in the list. This time in a slightly improved position as you can see below. I must say, being included on a list with Brian Clark, Jeremiah Owyang, Brian Solis and David Meerman Scott is very humbling.

    Lists are always controversial by nature as they exclude and include based on criteria that rarely satisfy everyone. But we’re happy to be included all the same and a BIG THANKS goes to the TopRank team that’s been liveblogging conferences over the past two months of consideration for this list.

    Here’s the complete list of 42 top content marketing blogs:

    1 Online Marketing Blog
    2 Copyblogger
    3 Writing on the Web
    4 Influential Marketing Blog
    5 Web Ink Now
    6 Marketing with Meaning
    7 Nigel Hollis
    8 Conversation Agent
    9 Buzz Marketing for Technology
    10 Post Advertising
    11 Conversation Marketing
    12 Marketing Interactions
    13 PR 2.0
    14 Nick Burcher
    15 The Toadstool
    16 Servant of Chaos
    17 Chaos Scenario
    18 No man is an iland
    19 What’s Next
    20 Buzz News
    21 Be the Voice
    22 Really Practical Marketing
    23 Bringing Brands to Life!
    24 ContentMarketingToday
    25 Hard Knox Life
    26 Web Strategy by Jeremiah
    27 Drew’s Marketing Minute
    28 JournaMarketing
    29 Writing White Papers
    30 Seth’s Blog
    31 Greg Verdino’s Marketing Blog
    32 News from the Herd
    33 EyeCube
    34 Find and Convert
    35 Techno//Marketer
    36 Eat Media Blog
    37 Conversational Media Marketing
    38 Emerson Direct Marketing Observations
    39 Internet Marketing Blog
    40 Feed Growth!
    41 Daily Fix
    42 Occam’s Razor

    One of the other nifty features of being on this list is inclusion in Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop page for content marketing.

    Also, here’s a custom Google Search Engine for just these blogs if you’d like to focus on content marketing in your research and/or blog reading: