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Our Top 10 Search Marketing Posts of 2019

Posted on Dec 31st, 2019
Written by Lane Ellis
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Search marketing has matured in many ways throughout 2019. At each twist and turn along the journey, we’ve done our best to not only cover each change thoroughly, but to also offer insight and research-based strategy to help savvy digital marketers along the way.

    We’re fortunate to have a stellar group of digital marketing professionals contributing to the TopRank Marketing Blog, with our CEO Lee Odden, Associate Director of Search & Analytics Tiffani Allen, Vice President of Client Accounts Alexis Hall, Content Strategist Anne Leuman, and others, each contributing valuable and actionable search marketing insights, tips, and tactics this past year.

    To help our blog community grow its search marketing knowledge, we’re thrilled to offer this list of our most popular search marketing posts of 2019.

    Our Most Popular Search Marketing Posts in 2019:

    1. 5 SEO Mistakes Killing Your Content Performance and a Fix for Each — Tiffani Allen

    Common SEO Mistakes
    Our talented Associate Director of Search & Analytics Tiffani Allen wrote our most popular search marketing post of 2019, taking an important look at five SEO mistakes killing your content performance, and offering up an actionable fix for each. Tiffani explored how to avoid and fix keywords based solely on volume, using too much targeting, and the perils of ignoring internal link structures. Check out all of Tiffani’s posts here, and follow her on Twitter.

    “Following SEO best practices as a content marketer can reduce performance-related headaches and set you up for long-term success.” @Tiffani_Allen Share on X

    2. The Relationship Between SEO and Social Media: It’s Complicated … and Complementary — Nick Nelson

    pump up your b2b content campaign
    The second most popular search marketing post of the year is by our Senior Content Strategist Nick Nelson, who deftly explores the complicated yet complimentary relationship between SEO and social media, and shows how to maximize both in unison with your marketing efforts. Check out all of Nick’s posts here, and follow him on Twitter.

    Our Top 10 Search Marketing Posts of 2019 Share on X

    3. What the Future of Google Search Means for B2B Marketers — Lane R. Ellis

    Low angle shot of modern glass city buildings looking up image.
    In the number three spot on our top search marketing posts of 2019 list, I explored what the future of Google search mean for B2B marketers, looking at how touch-free Motion Sense gestural search and other changes will affect the course of B2B marketing in 2020 and beyond. Check out all of my posts here, and follow me on Twitter.

    “Innovations at Google will alter how people search, learn, and lead their professional and personal lives.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis Share on X

    4. How A Best Answer Content Strategy Drives B2B Marketing Results — Lee Odden

    Best Answer Content B2B Marketing

    Our CEO Lee Odden wrote the fourth most popular search marketing post on our blog in 2019, exploring how a best-answer content strategy can drive impressive B2B marketing results, showing its value and offering up strong examples of what it takes to be the best answer. Lee shows that being the best answer is hard, but that it’s the price for being in the winner’s circle of consistent top visibility. Check out all of Lee’s 2,600+ posts here, and follow him on Twitter.

    “If buyers don’t see consistent, credible and engaging 'best answer' content across channels from your brand, they’ll begin to trust competitors who are.” @LeeOdden Share on X

    5. The Intersection of SEO & Influencer Marketing: What B2B Marketers Need to Know — Caitlin Burgess

    The Intersection of SEO & Influence
    Our Senior Content Marketing Manager Caitlin Burgess earned the number five spot on our top search marketing posts of the year list, showing how B2B marketers benefit when SEO and influence collide, becoming a powerful keyword and topical research tool to  create best-answer content that audiences and search engines crave. Check out all of Caitlin’s posts here, and follow her on Twitter.

    “Integration is absolutely essential for driving digital and content marketing success in the crowded, competitive B2B landscape.” @CaitlinMBurgess Share on X

    6. How B2B Marketers Can Win at Search with Best Answer Content — Nick Nelson

    Winning Search with Best Answer Content
    Nick also penned the sixth most popular search marketing post of 2019, with a detailed look at how you can modernize search marketing to fit with a fully customer-centric strategy, with insight from our guide to identifying “best answer” opportunities. Nick shows how multiple disciplines — from technical SEO to creative content — can be leveraged to win the search marketing game.

    “When marketers make the effort to see every side of the questions their customers are asking, we can see the bigger picture and craft content to fully satisfy the extent of a searcher’s interest.” @NickNelsonMN Share on X

    7. 6 Cannes Revelations About B2B Marketing in 2020 — Lane R. Ellis

    City of Cannes Aerial view Image

    Another of my posts made the year’s top 10 search marketing post lists, exploring a number of B2B search revelations from the 2019 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, with six take-aways including diversity KPIs, real-time branding, micro-storytelling, and the rise of customer-driven search journeys.

    “Search taking place from smart speakers and other connected voice-assisted is poised to boom in the coming years, and podcasting is expanding to offer new ways to integrate brand messaging.” @LaneREllis Share on X

    8. 10 Smart Question Research Tools for B2B Marketers — Lane R. Ellis

    10 Smart Question Research Tools for B2B Marketers, who, what, when, where colorful image.
    In our eighth most popular search marketing post of 2019, a share 10 smart question research tools and an array of savvy tactics to help B2B marketers uncover the questions your audience is asking, and provide best-answer solutions.

    “How can you be the best answer for your audience if you don’t understand what questions they’re asking or what problems they’re trying to solve?” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis Share on X

    9. Hey Alexa: How Do I Bake Voice Search Into My B2B Marketing Strategy? — Nick Nelson

    Voice Search & B2B Marketing Strategy
    With his third appearance on our search marketing top 10 list, Nick shows how B2B brands can ensure that their content strategy is aligned with the rise of voice search, and helps you find your B2B marketing voice.

    Our Top 10 Search Marketing Posts of 2019 Share on X

    10. Optimize Your B2B Content Performance with an SEO Audit — Tiffani Allen

    Key benefits of an SEO audit.
    Tiffani makes another appearance on our top 10 list of search marketing posts for the year, exploring how can you optimize your B2B content performance using a thoughtful and strategic SEO audit to help you understand your landscape by analyzing technical, on-page and off-page factors, and more.

    “A strategic and thoughtful SEO audit will result in a clear, prioritized and actionable plan to improve your search visibility in the ways it matters most to your business.” @Tiffani_Allen Share on X

    We can’t thank Tiffani, Nick, Lee, and Caitlin enough for these top 10 search marketing posts of 2019 — congratulations on making the list!

    Thanks TopRank Marketing Writers & Readers

    We published dozens of posts this year specifically about search marketing, and plan to bring you even more in 2020, so stay tuned for a new year of the latest helpful search industry research and insight.

    Please let us know which search marketing topics and ideas you’d like to see us focus on for 2020 — we’d love to hear your suggestions. Feel free to leave those thoughts in the comments section below.

    Many thanks to each of you who read our blog regularly, and to all of you who comment on and share our posts on the TopRank Marketing social media channels at Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.