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Making the Case for Video at Every Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

Posted on Jul 8th, 2019
Written by TopRank Marketing
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  • Making the Case for Video at Every Stage of the Buyer’s Journey
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    Video Marketing Statistics for Each Stage of the Buyer's Journey

    It’s been said before, but I’ll say it again: Video across the digital landscape is what buyers and consumers alike crave.

    The average U.S. adult spends 5 hours and 57 minutes a day watching video. Compare that number to the average amount of time someone reads each day (16.8 minutes), and you’ll find that people watch videos over 21-times longer than reading text. Video informs, engages, and entices audiences, which means video can and should have a place within your B2B content marketing strategy.

    But when and how should you leverage video? It’s not just a top-of-funnel tactic reserved for B2C brands. And here are the *stats that showcase it’s potential.

    15 Video Marketing Statistics for Every Stage of the Buyer Journey


    1. 84% of marketers credit video with increasing traffic to their website. (3)
    2. 87% of people would like to see more video from brands. (3)
    3. 82% of all internet traffic will be video by 2021. (4)

    As we covered earlier, more and more people are spending an increasing amount of time watching video online. And that includes your buyers. For your marketing messages to capture and pull in your target audience, it needs to be in a place and in a format they prefer. Today, one of those important formats is video.

    From teaser videos to trailers, these video types are great for generating excitement and holding your audience’s attention, making them perfect for the awareness stage of the buyer journey.

    Here’s a little something from the TopRank Marketing vault, introducing a new interactive experience featuring insights from several marketing industry experts.

    Top-Performing Video Types: Trailers, Teasers & Brand Video


    1. People watch videos with subtitles 40% longer than videos without subtitles. (1)
    2. 52% of viewers watch a video all the way through. (2)
    3. 68% of people would rather watch a video to learn about a product or service rather than read about it. (3)
    4. 80% of marketers credit video with increasing the average time on page for their website. (3)

    B2B videos can range from mere seconds in length to a full hour. Buyers in the engagement stage are likely considering their options, weighing potential solutions to their problem. Videos that explain how your products or services can solve problems are great for this stage. In addition, video reviews also help give your target audience the information they’re looking for, increasing engagement rates with your brand and videos.

    Here’s an example from **Dell Outlet, teasing the insights they’ve gathered from an array of small business experts and entrepreneurs on making smart tech purchases.

    Top-Performing Video Types: Explainers, Reviews


    1. 83% of marketers say video results in a good ROI. (3)
    2. 79% of people say a brand’s video convinced them to make a purchase. (3)
    3. 81% of marketers say video has helped them generate leads. (3)
    4. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%. (6)

    Video is a great learning tool. In fact, approximately 65% of the global population are visual learners. And the more your audience understands and is knowledgeable about your solution, the more likely they are to purchase it. Together, this makes video an excellent way to convince your audience of the value of your product or service. 

    What types of video are best for the conversion stage of the funnel? Live or on-demand webinars are an excellent way to give your target buyers an in-depth, detailed look at your solution and the benefits you offer. In addition, video testimonials from actual customers are an authentic way to communicate your brand’s value and why you’re a crucial partner across company types and industries. 

    Top-Performing Video Types: Webinars, Testimonials


    1. 41% of marketers say video has reduced their number of support calls. (3)
    2. 86% of viewers say they regularly turn to YouTube to learn something new. (5)

    The buyer journey doesn’t stop with a sale. Retention is just as important, if not more so considering the fact that it costs 5-times more to acquire a customer versus retain one. To help you hold on to your customer base, video is a great tool for continuing education and problem solving for your audience. Whether it’s a tutorial video or a video essay, videos are excellent education tools that keep your customers around longer.

    For example, Salesforce provides several how-to and troubleshooting videos on its Salesforce Support YouTube channel to make it easy for its customers to find solutions and guidance.

    Top-Performing Video Types: Tutorials & Video Essays


    1. 74% of consumers share video content from brands on social media. (7)
    2. Videos receive 21.2% more interactions on Instagram compared to images and 18.6% more interactions compared to carousels. (7)

    Yes, marketers want to win new business and encourage return customers. However, another common item on a marketer’s wishlist is to transform buyers (and even employees) into raving fans that advocate for their company to fellow colleagues, peers, and partners. Given the virality of video content, especially on social networks, video marketing is a great opportunity for promoting advocacy within your audience. 

    To encourage greater advocacy through video, create videos that have the sole purpose of being watched and shared over social networks. These could be short, exciting videos that tease a new product launch or a video that highlights your company culture. Regardless of the topic, it’s important that the video contains something worth sharing and advocating about to others.

    Top-Performing Video Types: Teasers, Trailers & Cultural Highlights

    In the Director’s Chair

    There’s a reason why 64% of B2B marketers increased the amount of video content they produced in 2019—it’s effective. And it’s effective across the buyer journey.

    From attraction to conversion and beyond, video marketing brings B2B brands closer to their buyers. As the person in the director’s chair, now is the time to expand your video marketing (if you haven’t already).

    What kind of videos should you be making? Check out our breakdown of four different types of B2B videos to learn which ones are best for your brand and marketing goals.


    1. Databox
    2. Vidyard
    3. Wyzowl
    4. Cisco
    5. Google
    6. Unbounce
    7. Sprout Social

    **Disclosure: Dell Outlet is a TopRank Marketing client.