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In-Flight Content Guide: Making the Most of Your Content Journey

Posted on Jun 22nd, 2017
Written by TopRank Marketing
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    What does content marketing success look like to you? Is a healthier pipeline? Increased client retention? Or something completely different? While every marketing team might have a slightly different goal for content, the message is the same: You have to create a predictable way to gauge the impact of your content.

    The content marketing journey can be perilous at times. At every turn there is a new competitor, shiny object or new “best practice”. This can cause teams to get so caught up in the creation of a quantity of content, that content amplification strategies are an afterthought, or even worse, not executed at all.

    We appreciate that you’ve travelled 1,000’s of miles with us on this content marketing adventure. We’ve packed and prepped for our content expedition through developing a content strategy and hiked our way to creating a memorable content experience. But what good is content strategy and creation if you don’t have a plan to get your content in front of the RIGHT people?

    While it can be tempting to end your journey once you’ve developed content, it’s really just the first leg of the adventure. Now it’s time to focus on top amplification and co-creation opportunities to make your content soar.

    For this edition, please join me in thanking our crew of experts including: Peg Miller, Arnie Kuenn, Jessica Best, Lee Odden, Deana Goldasich, Amisha Gandhi, Maureen Jann, Cathy McPhillips, Pierre-Loic Assayag, Justin Levy, Zerlina Jackson, Robert Rose and Anna McHugh!

    Share Insights From Our Content Crew Members

    If you’d like to share tips from your favorite crew members, simply click below to tweet!

    Stay close to your customer & sales team, & you'll never run out of content ideas. @PegMiller Share on X Set aside a budget to amplify your content to improve reach. @ArnieK Share on X The most engaging content is a response. @bestofjess Share on X Ask prospective customers for preferences & invite them to share topical expertise. @leeodden Share on X You must be committed beyond the spray & pray posting of content. @goldasich Share on X Create memorable experiences with interactive content that adds value. @AmishaGandhi Share on X Messages must be crafted to fit both consumption mode & the marketing funnel. @MaureenOnPoint Share on X Make it easy for your influencers to share content with prewritten messaging. @cmcphillips Share on X Partnering with influential experts is crucial to creating engaging content. @pierreloic Share on X Paid social can help greatly improve reach & engagement if used properly. @justinlevy Share on X Develop strategies to deliver content beyond your website. Zerlina Jackson Share on X Better work inherently drives deeper engagement. @Robert_Rose Share on X Be passionate about the content you're creating and truly believe in the value. @amchughredhat Share on X

    What’s Next?

    It’s time to book your ticket for Content Marketing World 2017!

    Content Marketing World 2017

    To connect with this content marketing crew of experts in person, be sure to check out the agenda for the 2017 Content Marketing World conference.

    You can also follow along and participate in conversations via Twitter by using the hashtag #CMWorld, by following CMI on Twitter (@CMIContent) or by subscribing to our blog.