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Link It Up – Fun Links from the Inbox

Posted on Dec 13th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    We get lots of links recommendations daily from friends, industry peers, PR interns who have absolutely no idea what they’re doing and way too many mindless bots. In a moment of weakness as I wait for the opening reception for SIS to start, I thought I’d share a few worthy links from others and a few of our own.

    Stairway to Google Heaven – Mel Carson from Microsoft was inspired by the Fishkins Rand and Gillian to write this blog post ode to what search marketing can do for good causes.

    he finer points of top rankings – podcast interview with small business marketing legend, John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing and myself on leveraging social media and networking channels such as Twitter, MyBlogLog and StumbleUpon. mp3

    Can You Really Learn Search Marketing From a Conference? – Fellow SIS speaker Aaron Goldman seems a little jaded on the value of conferences and then he’s not. Actually, he makes good points about search education being best experienced from a variety of sources and that perhaps the value in conferences is more in the experience than in the education. To that I would cite his earlier comment in the same article, “it’s relative”. Either way, it’s a good read and I encourage your comments.

    SES London – Speaking of conferences, I found out today I am speaking on two panels at SES London: “News Search SEO” and “Blog & Feed SEO”, both a perfect match for what we do. Am very much looking forward to the event, seeing friends based in London andd the UK and being involved with a show that includes Mike Grehan. Now the question is whether anyone from TopRank is coming with me…..