30 Must Read Blogs About Content Marketing – Catherine Pham’s from InfograpgicB2B brings us 30 of the best blogs covering content marketing, including the TopRank Blog. These blogs provide tons of valuable insight into content marketing and how it fits into the overall marketing picture. SlideShare
Report: 60% Of Social Media Users Vary Their Actions & Connections Vastly Across Social Sites – Looking for proof that you shouldn’t just spray a message out across all social networks verbatim? Well, 140 Proof partnered with IPG Media Lab to find an answer by studying the cross network usage of 500 social media participants. It turns out that users have a strong delimitation between each, something that the study calls “Social Hygiene.” A whopping 60% of users agreed that they connect with different types of people, brands and media based on the platform. Marketing Land
Fark Drives 10 Times More Traffic Than Google+ – It can be tricky to nail down what the top social networks are. Companies use different metrics, and the truth doesn’t always appear readily. So how big is Pinterest? What’s Twitter’s growth rate? And who are the social media upcomers? Some of these questions are answered in a data sheet from mobile publishing company Onswipe. SocialTimes
Study: More Than 30 Percent Of Consumers “Mobile Only” – According to the new “Mobile Path to Purchase Study” from xAd and Telmetrics (conducted by Nielsen), mobile devices continue to grow in importance for consumers. Now in its third year, the study found roughly half of survey respondents believe mobile is the “most important resource” in their purchase decision-making. Marketing Land
60% of Consumers Use Mobile Exclusively to Make Purchase Decisions [Study] – Up to 60 percent of consumers used mobile exclusively to make a purchase decision in the categories of telecom, restaurants, auto, and entertainment, according to the latest research from xAd and Telmetrics in the third annual Mobile Path-to-Purchase report. Search Engine Watch
Facebook Says It Has 30 Million Active Small Business Pages – Facebook kicked off its summer small business bootcamp tour today in New York and announced that the global total of active small business Facebook Pages is 30 million. Marketing Land
Almost Half of US Consumers Emotionally Indifferent to Brands – Consumers in the US are among the most emotionally distant from brands, per recent survey results from Momentum Worldwide. The study asked more than 6,500 consumers in 9 developed and emerging markets around the world to classify their feelings about well-known brands in interpersonal terms. Some 45% of US respondents classified their relationships with brands as no more than an acquaintance, with one-fifth of those (or almost 1 in 10 overall) categorizing brands as their “enemy” or “arch rival.” Marketing Charts
The Most Important Social Network for Marketers – B2C marketers say Facebook is the most effective social network for their business, whereas B2B marketers cite LinkedIn, according to a recent report from Social Media Examiner. MarketingProfs
Google Unveils Marketplace For Premium Video Ads – To capitalize on the emerging shift in brand ad dollars from TV to digital video advertising, today Google announced its new programmatic marketplace for premium video ad inventory called Google Partner Select. Marketing Land
Why 61% of Consumers Unfollow Brands on Social Media – One of the most important things a brand can do is understand its target consumer, and social media provides rich data for customer profiles. A new study commissioned by digital marketing firm 140 Proof and digital think tank IPG Media suggests that not only is the data readily available, it evolves over time. SocialTimes
Pinterest Releases A Self-Service Dashboard For Promoted Pins & Upgraded Analytics – Pinterest, continuing its steady progress toward a full-fledged advertising program, announced today the creation of a self-service dashboard for Promoted Pins. Marketing Land
Google To Warn Searchers When A Mobile URL Redirects To The Homepage – Don’t annoy mobile searchers. That’s the message behind a new warning that Google is showing in mobile search results on smartphones. On the Webmaster Central blog, Google alerted webmasters late yesterday that it will let smartphone searchers know if it thinks a website has a “faulty redirect” in place that sends the searcher to your home page, not the page they clicked on. Search Engine Land
From our Online Marketing Community:
From Top 50 People Most ReTweeted By Digital Marketers – What Does It Mean?, ShellyKramer shared, “Great dive into a list – making it exponentially more valuable from a “how can I use this kind of thing to benefit me and my business or my goals” than anyone else has managed to do. Thanks, Lee.”
heyitskarri responded, Hi Lee, Thanks so much for digging in to the lists and providing lots of ideas for how marketers can use the data to drive better marketing. That’s exactly our goal in publishing these reports – to provide data and insights that smart folks will use in their own creative ways to up their game. (BTW, I’ve long been an admirer of what you do here on TopRank, so it’s a banner day for me that you’ve found value in our latest report. Thanks so much!)”
And on How To Make A Blog Post Go Viral, Frank Strong said, “This –> “the answer is to work your ass off until you get lucky.” I’m with you Lee. Base hits is a far better strategy for winning more games.”
What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!